2 August at 21:15 Andalo parish church

Church Music Review

MELODIA IN D - composed by T.Palamidessi - played by Alessandro Pelagatti

Pieces composed by A. Benassai

ALLELUIA - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia of Florence
LA NASCITA DELL'ATTESO - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia
INNO AL SORGERE DEL SOLE - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia
RECTOR POTENS - composed and played by A.Pelagatti
LA DONNA DEL TRIMUNDIO - solo voices Debora Beronesi, Graziana Biondi, Fiorella Falli
TE DEUM - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia
MISSIONE UNIVERSALE - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia
IL SANTO - students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia

Original music for choir and organ composed by Alessandro Benassai

The pieces will be performed by the singing students of the Accademia Coro Santa Cecilia in Florence

At the piano: Alessandro Pelagatti

Free participation

2 August at 21:15 Andalo parish church

Event organised by andalovacanze.com
